Connecting with our Higher Self
I didn’t realize how fast the month had passed until today and
suddenly thought: WHAT am I going to talk about with respect to our “Connected
Living” concerns? Without a moment’s delay, the utterly important notion came to
my mind of the urgent necessity of us connecting to what I call Spirit-Side for
lack of a better term. In a hurry, it is hard to define where a certain thought
or inspiration comes from, such as my thought about my overdue video’s subject
matter. Where did that idea come from? My own Higher Self, my well-filled higher
brain-mind, or the inspiration of my guides and teachers, as they are called?
So, I just coined the term “Spirit-Side” and am very happy with
Happy because actually, and that feels even more certain after my
conscious out-of-body coma, what we call “the other side” couldn’t be more
close. The fact that many of us can’t see or hear the Beings of that
inter-connected world is not THEIR short-coming and if we were to interview
them, they couldn’t express more frustration with someone begging for help which
is there for the taking, while yet literally wrapping themselves in a veritable
dark cloud of blocking fear- or anger-emotions as in an overcast
So the idea of living with more guidance and protection from that
side is appealing to most. But how do we do that other than listening with ears
that are still plugged for too many people and eyes seemingly blind as those of
moles underground?
Well, one way to develop tools with which to connect is to meditate
and spinal-breathe (Pranayama) so as to develop our major spinal nerve twice a
day with a useful technique (rather than just sitting there wafting in music and
good feelings so that we can stress ourselves a bit better the rest of the day).
And while that seems very difficult for many, it is indeed a relatively fast way
to eliminate blockages in our system and learn the language we need to develop
so as to connect with that other side, our own Higher Self and actually, even
our body-intelligence.
WHAT, I often say, really makes connecting with your own true self
and to that “Spirit-Side” so hard, even impossible, when instead all we do the
rest of the day is what I call “dust-to-dust” living, cultivating things that
have very little value further up the ladder of evolution? Yes, these activities
for our necessities and to feed and clothe us or our loved-ones are important
too, but unless we acquire a few of what the Catholics would call “Fruits of the
Spirit”, we are really wasting our time, because these important-seeming
concerns are going to fall off of us like a dry clay-mask, as they did for me as
soon as I was out of the body. I bet, from above, we look like so many ants
carrying items aimlessly from here to there.
I really don’t want to say more right now. I bet I already sound
like your mother telling you to brush your teeth, but think about it: WHAT in us
makes us have such an aversion to connecting to what is so much more lasting and
permanent than our little dust-to-dust brains and
On this month's video, I talk more about our
thought-fields and the notion of synchronicity as two things affecting how well
we feel connected to that unseen world. In terms of our thought-fields or
intentions, we can create a strong standing-field of positive expectation, or
let our own or others’ fear collapse those and turn our fears into negative
self-fulfilling prophesies. In terms of synchronicity, our focus and careful
attention could teach us to be aware of the subtle but certain guidance through
symbolic dynamics in our environment that are there for us all the time.
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